Contact Peddle Thorp


Peddle Thorp Group is an independent company, practising in Architecture, Planning and Interior Design. The Group consists of a number of business units which relate to different market areas or specialist areas, with offices in Melbourne, Shenzhen, Shanghai Beijing and the Middle East with associate offices in India.

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Level 1, 525 Flinders Street
Melbourne Victoria, 3000

T +61 3 9923 2222
F +61 3 9923 2223


4/F Tower B
China Diamond Exchange Mansion
No.1701 Century Avenue
Shanghai 200122, PRC

T + 86 21 5015 8366
F + 86 21 5015 8399


201A Hua Living Space
CTS Plaza OCT Nan Shan
Shenzhen 518026, PRC

T + 86 10 2692 8866
F + 86 10 2690 5186